Christmas week

This past week has been filled with so much wonderful-ness (is that a word? If not, it should be!).  We've had quite a few friends in town, we've been able to spend time with lots of family, and we've pretty much been on a holiday high for the past week.  Plus, Henry has added a whole new level of AWESOME to all things Christmas.  I keep thinking forward to next year when he is 13 months old and how amazing that will be.  It's all just very exciting.  One thing I'm really really looking forward to is getting our house all decked out for the holidays.  We had barely moved in when Henry was born, so we've hardly got to decorate in the first place, but our holiday decor was severely lacking.  Next year I'm looking forward to really doing it up and putting into motion all of the fun holiday ideas I have floating around in my head.  But first things first, we need to finish getting our house in order!  Now that things have calmed down a bit I can't wait to start getting our home just the way I envision it...and it's times like these that I am SO grateful for my Anthro discount. ;)

I think the photos below do a better job of telling the story of our week better than I can at this late hour, so enjoy!  And again, happy holidays!

In the beginning of the week, Lisa and Mary Alice came to visit Henry and brought him the cutest presents!
Aunt Lisa <3

The Peters family came up and visited for an evening and we had the best time. Here's Henry and his Auntie Erin- he adored her.
Aunt Erin and Henry

H. also decided to really examine Uncle JP!
checking it out

We enjoyed Hugo's, as usual.
the guys at Hugo's

Later that night we had a handful of friends over to enjoy some pie, it was delicious.
friends <3

cherry pie I made
my cherry pie

hanging in our kitchen

gift from the Peters :)
love this

I love this photo of Amber so much!

the next night was Christmas Eve, spent with Hank's family...

Henry II, III, and IV - pretty awesome huh!
Henry II, III and IV! Awesome!

Henry and his Aunt Brooke
Aunt Brooke and Henry

we played Pictionary- the guys won, boo!
Pictionary- the guys won, boo!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Henry's gifts started piling up...
Christmas Eve

Henry's presents

Later that night we headed to my parents' house so we could wake up there Christmas morning!
Christmas tree at my parents'

Mom and Henry's stocking (Henry too!)
Mom, Henry and his stocking

how pretty is my sister?!
prettiest sister

Aunt Lauren and Uncle Abe
Lauren and Abe

my favorite Christmas present
best Christmas present of all.


our cousin Tim brought Henry a hat back from Peru (he is a geologist there)- Henry clearly LOVED it! haha.
Cousin Tim brought Henry a hat from Peru...needless to say, he wasn't stoked!

and finally, we spent Christmas evening with Sar and Andy. So much fun and Henry loved meeting his Uncle Andy.
Aunt Suki and Uncle Andy

love this most of all!