wonderful Tuesday


red lipstick kinda day!

red lipstick!

Yesterday was such a wonderful day.  I slept in a little bit with Henry, and then headed downtown to meet up with Amber and Adie for some girl time.  Henry came along too, but he didn't mind the girl talk and chit chat one bit. ;)  We ate lunch at Esoji, and I had sushi for the first time since I became pregnant.  It was absolutely delicious and I forgot how much I enjoy miso soup and a rainbow roll- the perfect lunch in my opinion!  I was so happy because H. didn't make a peep the entire time we were in the restaurant outside of happy little smiles and sighs, and the whole experience was really fantastic.  I still have that new mama anxiety about taking him places (especially restaurants) and having the fear that he'll cry and I'll have to leave.  But he was awesome, and we even went to Starbucks afterward.  All in all it was a lovely day and it feels so good to get back into the swing of things with my friends, and also to just feel "normal," after not going out very much over the past month.  It was so nice to spend time with my darling ladies and I'm so happy Amber is in town for a few more days.

It's hard to believe that 2011 is upon us, and I'm looking forward to making some goals to start the year off on a positive foot.  I actually really enjoy making New Year's Resolutions and I typically stick to them, surprisingly.  I think I just like any excuse to make lists, to be honest! haha.  But I will definitely be sharing my 2011 goals before the week is over, and they include both personal and blog goals.  One goal I can share now is getting back into taking photos more often.  It was easy to fall out of taking my camera everywhere with me while I was pregnant, but I definitely need to get back into the swing of things.  And speaking of getting back into the swing of things, I have one more guest post to share with all of you on Friday (originally it was going to be yesterday but I had other things to post), and then I won't have those posts to rely on anymore.  It is harder to find time to blog with little H. being my priority now, but it's not impossible and because I find blogging to be relaxing and quite the de-stressor, I make it a daily "must do."  It will be nice to return to more day to day posts, and start working on a few longer posts I have rolling around in my head.

Well, sleep is calling so I hope all of you have the best Wednesday.  Enjoy your day! xo

 Amber and Adie :)
my lunch dates